Marietta's Journey & Purpose

Transformation and a spiritual journey...

Meet Marietta—Your Guide!

Marietta is a gifted, intuitive, and visionary artist with a unique ability to bridge the earthly realm and the spiritual world. She serves as a conduit, facilitating connections with beloved ancestors, enlightened beings, ascended masters, spirit guides, angels, and intergalactic entities. These celestial and once-earthly beings offer invaluable insights from a higher-dimensional perspective, guiding you on your healing journey.

Beyond her role as a conduit, Marietta brings an alchemical touch to her sessions. She is dedicated to nurturing your spiritual growth through her work at Soul Whispers. She is blessed with the gifts of the clairs, including clairkinesthetics—the ability to interpret body movements to align with higher frequencies.

Marietta has trained with renowned mediums, including at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College for Mediumship in England, and has also studied with multiple well-known Akashic teachers. She is a Certified Akashic Record Reader.

As a Reiki master/teacher since 2003, she has been practicing energy healing for over two decades, developing her own unique style. Additionally, Marietta holds a Master’s degree in nutrition and has spent more than 30 years integrating holistic well-being and nutrition into her practice.

See below for her journey to Spirit!

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Opening to Spirituality and gifts; 

From a young age, Marietta sensed that there was more to the world than what she had been taught. By the age of 16, she experienced a profound feeling of not belonging and an intense longing to "go home." She became increasingly aware of the many differences between herself and her earthly family, realizing she was different from those around her.

Her early years were marked by deep spiritual searching. At 30, a move to San Francisco became a turning point in her journey. She explored psychics, tarot readings, past life regression, rebirthing, metaphysical churches, séances, and Buddhism. At the same time, she began questioning her Catholic upbringing and the teachings of the Bible, seeking answers to her purpose and place in the world.

In June 1995, Marietta’s world was turned upside down by a leukemia diagnosis.
An event that profoundly shifted her perception of life.

What she once took for granted lost its meaning, and the unpredictability of her circumstances became her new reality. Faced with this life-altering challenge, she realized that embracing her new reality was essential to her healing journey.

Over the next four years, Marietta entered a "dark night of the soul" event and began a remarkable journey of transformation. This incredible experience sparked a profound spiritual awakening within her, forever altering the course of her life. Her life path was redesigned and rewritten. She went even deeper with spirituality and a diverse array of metaphysics, healing, and energy modalities. 

In 2003, she fully immersed herself in the spiritual realm, becoming a Reiki Master/Teacher. This marked the beginning of her journey to master her natural intuitive abilities and spiritual gifts, which had long been dormant.

In the early part of her journey, she began hearing the voices of her loved ancestors, and her “sense” of “knowing” (claircognizance) heightened, where insights would come to her seemingly out of nowhere. In her Reiki sessions with clients, she not only felt energy but also received visions and information, perceptions of past lives, and messages for clients from loved ones who had passed.

Marietta's intuitive insights and "sense of knowing" were always apparent in her nutrition and coaching sessions with clients/patients, providing valuable guidance and support in their wellness journeys. As time went on, her gifts continued to expand as she opened further to sharing and trusting.

In June 2021, Marietta experienced a profound turning point during meditation when she began convulsing for 20 minutes. The following day, St. Theresa of Avila connected with her, reassuring her not to be afraid. and that she had been sent new energy. A week or so after, she began receiving visions in her "mind's eye" of shapes—spirals, triangles, lines, circles, and dots—that combined to form symbols when she meditated or in her dreams. She began doing "automatic drawings" of the Symbols during meditation. Despite having no artistic background, she used her knowledge of a simple graphic design program to illustrate these symbols.

She felt uncertain and unsure about what these symbols were or their purpose. Archangel Gabriel later revealed in meditation that the symbols were vehicles for higher frequencies and vibrations meant to aid the Earth and the collective. He explained that the symbols must be illustrated and shared and that once drawn, the symbols would anchor their frequency on the physical plane, radiating their energy outward.
A year later, Light Language * began flowing through her, which she incorporated into the Symbols. She also started speaking Light Language.

She has since channeled Sacred Symbols for individuals and even her pet Dachshund after she passed. Each serving to support healing and alignment.

Guided by Archangel Gabriel, Marietta developed an Oracle deck featuring these symbols. She has since begun exploring new artistic styles.
Her mission is clear: to contribute to planetary healing and help individuals uncover their inner sources of love, joy, peace, and balance, embracing her role as a conduit for spiritual and emotional transformation.

*What is Light Language?

Light language is a channeled, multidimensional language that brings sound and energy from the spirit into the physical. It is a form of spiritual communication that transcends traditional language. It is often described as a collection of sounds, gestures, symbols, or written characters that carry energetic vibrations rather than specific word meanings. These frequencies are said to connect directly with the soul and spirit, bypassing the limitations of the conscious mind. It is used to heal, activate, or raise one's frequency.

Honoring Your Path with Compassion & Empathy

Embracing each individual’s unique path, spiritual growth is nurtured with authenticity, compassion, integrity, and true connection, creating a space for clarity, empowerment, and healing to elevate your life and deepen your spiritual journey.
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